Archie Backhouse, Justina Kehinde and Morgan Watkins will star in the UK premiere of Neil LaBute’s How to Fight Loneliness, which debuts at London’s Park Theatre this April.

From Trish Wadley Productinos, Stratford East artistic director Lisa Spirling will direct Backhouse as Brad, Kehinde as Jodi and Watkins as Tate.

Jodi and Brad seem like they have it all. The house in the suburbs, the nice car, the fully stocked bar. But when the couple are faced with a devastating crisis, they must enlist the help of a mysterious acquaintance from Jodie’s past. 

The production reunites LaBute and producer Wadley, who previously collaborated on The Shape of Things – also at Park Theatre – and LaBute with director Lisa Spirling, who was his associate director for In a Forest Dark and Deep in the West End. 

The set and costume designer is Mona Camille, with lighting designer Chuma Emembolu and sound designer Roly Botha.

How to Fight Loneliness opens at Park Theatre on April 22, with previews from April 16, and runs until May 24.


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