Straight Line Crazy. Picture by Manuel Harlan

Here’s a new trailer for Straight Line Crazy, starring Ralph Fiennes as a man whose iron will exposes the weakness of democracy in the face of charismatic conviction.

From writer Dave Hare and director Nicholas Hynter, the play is now on at the Bridge Theatre. The cast also includes Alisha Bailey, Samuel Barnett, David Bromley, Al Coppola, Siobhán Cullen, Ian Kirkby, Alana Maria, Dani Moseley, Guy Paul, Helen Schlesinger, Mary Stillwaggon Stewart and Danny Webb.

For 40 years, Robert Moses (Fiennes) was the most powerful man in New York, manipulating those in office through a mixture of guile, charm and intimidation.

Motivated at first by a determination to improve the lives of New York City’s workers, he created new parks, new bridges and 627 miles of expressway to connect the people to the great outdoors. But in the 1950s, groups of citizens at grass roots began to organise against his schemes and against the motor car, campaigning for a very different idea of what a city was and for what it should be.

See the new trailer for the show here.

Find out more here.

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